Sopporti flangiati FNL
FNL flanged housings are produced in two designs depending on size. Smaller sizes up to and including size 13 have a triangular flange; larger sizes have a square flange.

The housings are equipped with double-lip seals.

Relubrication facility 
FNL housings are equipped with two drilled and tapped holes for relubrication as standard, the hole furthest from the flange should be used when relubricating spherical roller bearings that have a lubrication groove and three holes in the outer ring (W33). Note that spherical roller bearings should be rotating when relubricating via the outer ring. If self-aligning ball bearings or CARB toroidal roller bearings are used, relubrication through the outer ring is not possible. Therefore the hole closest to the flange should be used, to relubricate from the side of the bearing.

Grease guiding system 
The SNL grease guiding system is used also in FNL housings. This feature guides the grease into the bearing when lubricating self-aligning ball bearings or CARB toroidal roller bearings.

Mounting aid 
To simplify mounting, and make alignment more accurate, centre lines to indicate the housing bore axis and vertical axis are cast into the housing flange.

Guiding and supporting the housing 
As a variant the FNL housing can be supplied with a machined recess that can be used to centre the housing on an appropriate spigot on the machine wall. As such, the attachment bolts are not subjected to shear forces. The spigot can be provided by – machining the wall accordingly, or 
– attaching an appropriate guide ring to the wall. 

Appropriate dimensions for guide rings are provided in the table.

This variant of housing should be ordered with designation suffix P, e.g. FNL 511 BP.

Types of arrangement 
FNL housings are designed to accommodate – self-aligning ball bearings on an adapter sleeve in the 12 K and 22 K series for a shaft diameter ranging from 20 to 100 mm 
– spherical roller bearings on an adapter sleeve in the 222 K series for a shaft diameter ranging from 20 to 100 mm 
– CARB toroidal roller bearings on an adapter sleeve in the C 22 K series for a shaft diameter ranging from 25 to 100 mm. 

For shaft ends, the housings are supplied with an end cover, designation suffix A. The housings for through shafts carry the designation suffix B.

Non-locating and locating bearing positions 
The bearing seat in the housing is designed for bearings in the non-locating position. For bearings in the locating position, or when a CARB toroidal roller bearing is used in the non-locating position, one or two locating rings should be used between the bearing outer ring and the housing shoulder.

 Cuscinetti volventi

Cuscinetti radiali a sfere Cuscinetti obliqui a sfere
Cuscinetti a rulli cilindrici Cuscinetti a rullini combinati
Cuscinetti a rulli conici Cuscinetti toroidali a rulli CARB®
Cuscinetti assiali obliqui a sfere Cuscinetti assiali a rullini
Cuscinetti assiali orientabili a rulli Cuscinetti di spalla per laminatoi tipo Sendzimir
Prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati Accessori per cuscinetti
Cuscinetti Y Cuscinetti orientabili a sfere
Cuscinetti a rullini Cuscinetti combinati a rulli cilindrici e conici
Cuscinetti orientabili a rulli Cuscinetti assiali a sfere
Cuscinetti assiali a rulli cilindrici Cuscinetti assiali a rulli conici
Rotelle Rulli pressori
Meccatronica Altri cuscinetti skf

 Cusinetti alta precisione

High-/super-precision bearings
Principles of bearing selection and application

SKF high-precision bearings

Angular contact ball bearings Cylindrical roller bearings
Double direction angular contact thrust ball bearings

SKF - SNFA super-precision bearings

Angular contact ball bearings Cylindrical roller bearings*
Angular contact thrust ball bearings for screw drives

SNFA precision ball bearings

Products and publications

Bearing accessories and services

Locking devices Gauges
Other products and services

 Unità cuscinetto

Unità cuscinetti a sfere 
Sopporti Y - prinicipi generali Sopporti ritti Y
Sopporti Y a flangia Sopporti Y tenditori
Unità Y per temperature elevate

Unità cuscinetti a rulli
Unità cuscinetti a rulli - principi generali Unità cuscinetto a rulli
Unità cuscinetto a rulli flangiate

Unità monoblocco doppie
Sopporti monoblocco doppi

 Supporti per cuscinetti

Sopporti ritti, in due metà
Sopporti SNL, serie 2, 3, 5 e 6 Sopporti SNL di grandi dimensioni
Sopporti SDG Sopporti SONL
Sopporti SAF Sopporti SDAF
Sopporti SAW

Sopporti monoblocco
Sopporti SBD Sopporti TVN
Sopporti TN

Sopporti flangiati
Sopporti flangiati FNL Sopporti flangiati 7225(00)
Sopporti flangiati I-1200(00)

Sopporti tenditori
Sopporti tenditori THD

 Snodi sferice e terminale

Snodi sferici e terminali - Informazioni generali Snodi sferici radiali che richiedono manutenzione
Snodi sferici esenti da manutenzione Snodi sferici a contatto obliquo
Snodi sferici assiali Terminali che richiedono manutenzione
Terminali esenti da manutenzione

 Cuscinetti radenti composite e boccole FW

Cuscinetti radenti compositi e boccole FW - informazioni generali Boccole di materiale composito
Boccole FW Boccole flangiate in materiale composito
Ralle reggispinta in materiale composito Strisce di materiale composito

 Tenute industriali

Principi di selezione e applicazione delle tenute Anelli di tenuta SKF radiali
Tenute radiali con altezza di sezione ridotta Tenute meccaniche SKF
Tenute V-ring Tenute assiali con fascetta
Rondelle di protezione e rondelle distanziatrici Bussole anti-usura

Ricambi automotive
La Nostra Azienda è presente da più di 50 anni nel settore degli autoricambi, si è specializzata nella distribuzione di Ricambi Auto delle aziende leader nella componentistica dei ricambi per auto di marche prestigiose italiane e straniere. 
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